Sunday, May 1, 2011

My Family is Awesome

This morning I awoke to my husband getting a bottle ready for our daughter because he didn't want to wake me up to feed her. I asked why he didn't wake me up and he said he had been up with her since 0530 and he wanted me to sleep in for once. Brian is such an amazing Dad and husband. We've been trying to pump a bunch so we can start Andrea on bottle feeding. I will be starting my summer semester of school May 18th and they include night classes. I'll be gone from 1630-2205 every Tuesday and Thursdays, and from 1940-2205 on Mondays. I want to make sure she will take a bottle when I'm gone. She's adapted really well to it and I don't get any nipple confusion from her. I am really excited about starting school. It'll be nice to get out of the house with a purpose for once.My night classes are Biology Lab and Intermediate Algebra. I need to get on a college level math class before I transfer to NC State. I cannot wait to go to a real university. Brian will be going for his Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering. I want to get my Masters in Zoology eventually but we don't know how long that will take and whether or not we can afford it after our GI Bill runs out. Well, time to clean the house. Make it a good day!